Saturday 14 May 2011

just "FELT" like it !!

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art "- Oscar wilde

FELT or non woven fabric is made out of beating a lot of bales together forming into a mesh.
over the years it has creeped into our fashion wadrobe not just as an article protecting us from winter but as a statement accessory that can add zing to any boring article and keping you warm of course!!

this being an expensive material,  it definitely comes a little pricey .
but love the colors and the cut work in the brooch !

this piece of art becomes a statement neckpiece !!

have guts for these woolen bangles anyone !

no ! this is not made for the vampire diaries !!

felt with metal bangles !! very classy !!

felted watermelon cut earings !

the cutest hair pin ever !!

Rimi Nayak's neckpiece in felt and buttons for sumer resort 2011.

This is a graduation collection of my friend all in felt.
Inspiration behind these frivolous pieces : carnivorous plants
love the colors and the dyeing techniques used and envy him of not gifting me any !!


  1. Lovely neckpeice!!!!!

    You can visit me at and if u like ,please comment and follow and I would do the same for you!!!!

  2. hey thanks ya.. wud check out urs too !!

  3. I like cutest hair pin ever and it's also looking attractive.
    yoga mat and bag
